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The Welsh Field Archery Association (WFAA) is the governing body of field archery in Wales. The WFAA is affiliated to the world governing body, the International Field Archery Association (IFAA) which is a member of the leading World Sport for all association TAFISA. The WFAA manages all aspects of the sport in Wales, including governance, national teams, organisation and administration of national and international tournaments.

The WFAA was founded in 1970 after the British Field Archery Association merged with the English Field Archery Association to form the EFAA. The merger of the BFAA and EFAA was designed to bring the sport under a single governing body but in the event, this did not suit the majority of the membership.


In 1967, the Scottish members broke away and formed the Scottish Field Archery Association. This development precipitated a meeting of the Welsh Company of Archers which was held at Glyncornel Centre, Rhondda in December 1969 where it was decided to form the Welsh Field Archery Association (WFAA) as the governing body of the sport of field archery in Wales. This development spelt the birth of the WFAA of today and also of the now well known format in the UK whereby each of the Home Nations has its own governing body. This format also means that Great Britain is not represented in the IFAA code of field archery at international level.

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