Welsh Field Archery Association

A field round is a challenging course, generally placed in woods, in varying terrain, at different distances from target to target. Field courses have marked yardages. The basic WFAA Field round is made up of 28 targets. This can be a single course of 28 targets but is usually two courses of 14 targets.
Some of the shooting positions let you shoot all arrows from one marked stake; some shooting positions have stakes at four different positions where you walk toward the target on each shot, or in a fan position. The distances vary according to the round you are shooting.
Most field events have up to three field rounds: a Field round, a Hunter round and an Animal round. In a Field and Hunter round you shoot four arrows at each target, so you shoot a total of 112 arrows per round. The standard NFAA Field round has distances that vary from 20 feet to 80 yards.
If you're under 15, your longest distance is 50 yards; if you're under 12, the longest range is 30 yards. Targets are round, black and white faces. There is a possible 20 points per target and a perfect round is 560. Target sizes vary between distances; generally the further the distance the larger the target.
The Hunter round, something like the above Field round except that you shoot at an all black face with a white dot. The ranges on this round vary between 33 feet and 70 yards. Scoring is identical to the Field round.
The Animal round is much like the 3-D round but the targets are printed on paper, usually pasted to cardboard. Once again, distances are marked to give everyone an equal chance. Scoring is a bit different on this round. You take three of your arrows and mark them 1, 2, and 3. When you get to the shooting stake you shoot arrow number 1. If you hit the scoring area you need not shoot another arrow. If you miss the first shot you move up to the next shooting stake and shoot number 2. If you hit the scoring zone there's no need to shoot number 3. If you missed number one and two, move up and shoot number three. The scoring area is divided into two parts, the vital area and non-vital, and scored accordingly.
Scoring is based on where you hit with which arrow. The first arrow shot is scored 20 or 18. The second arrow is scored 16 or 14, and the third arrow is scored 12 or 10. The best score per target is 20 and the total possible score for a round of 14 targets is a 280.
Field tournaments can comprise one or all three styles of field rounds. In these events archers compete for score against archers in your age division and preferred bow style.